
Available through Libby, The Great Courses provides unlimited access to the world's most engaging professors and immersive learning experiences, covering a wide variety of subjects.
A fully searchable resource of journals, historical documents, downloadable full-text reference books, photos, maps and videos covering US and world history. 
The Just for Kids Streaming Collection gives children—and their parents—a thoroughly kid-safe, advertisement-free media platform they can freely explore and enjoy. Educational videos include—Sesame Street, The Electric Company, The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss, The Berenstain Bears, Franklin, and thousands more—plus songs, games, and other interactives that are sure to entertain, educate, and inspire young people. Plus, the collection is ideal homework help for students and as a resource for homeschoolers that can be accessed anywhere, anytime.
The US Topo and Historical Topographic Map Collection provides free access to search, view, and download any of the more than 200,000 USGS Topographic Maps dating back to 1884. These maps are available as PDF or XML files.